Visionary Leader Workshop

Find your center, lead with confidence, no matter the storm

The Visionary Leader Workshop is crafted exclusively for health and wellness leaders who are destined for more.

This workshop is the pathway to realizing that vision…

Leaders in health and wellness deal with daily challenges in a complex and uncertain environment. In this ever-changing landscape, people yearn for a clear path forward. Imagine having a clear vision for yourself, your organization, and a mindset that brings calm and confidence.

Join our four-week Visionary Leader Workshop to uncover your unique leadership purpose, gain clarity to enhance your impact, experience transformational growth, and leave with empowered leadership and inner peace. You’ll also understand the impact you have on others, and feel the ‘wow’ of living and leading from a place of clarity and inspiration.

Visionary Leader Course


April has helped me and many others learn how to focus on the most satisfying aspects of our work which has given me a great sense of personal and professional satisfaction. She's gifted at understanding people and helping them appreciate their unique value, talents, intuition, and authenticity.

She helped me make the change from aspiring leader to proficient leader in all aspects of my life. With this evolution, I have noticed my team’s improved performance and most importantly living in my values though my work. Through a combination of April’s coaching and consulting, I started to thrive in my personal and professional life.

Cindy P

Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, Colorado Permanente Medical Group

Success comes from knowing who you are!
Visionary leader - world is watching

Does it feels like the spotlight is on you, the learning curve is steep, and the world is watching?

In an environment where uncertainty reigns and change is constant, it’s easy to feel like you’re navigating uncharted waters. You’re not alone in grappling with the pressure of being looked to for answers, especially when so much of what needs to be done hasn’t been tried before.

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed.

The problem is…

without a map, the journey is more difficult.

Overcoming Distractions Along the Journey

Under the pressure of leadership, we often get lost in daily tasks, feeling a bit adrift, uninspired, or not entirely fulfilled. It’s not your fault. Most of us aren’t taught how to discover and clarify our purpose or channel our talents in meaningful ways. Instead, we’re taught to be great problem solvers, and while that’s a valuable skill, it might not always lead to fulfillment.

Ever wonder how some people seem to have it all figured out? How do they navigate the challenges of leadership with such ease, finding fulfillment and inspiring others along the way? It’s a common question.


One thing is clear, you know you were meant for more…
dissatisfied leader

My name is April and I’m a Leadership Mindset Coach.

This Visionary Leader Workshop will help you uncover your inner wisdom and lead a life of purpose. And, you’ll start to see what’s holding you back from living the best version of yourself. Additionally, you’ll identify thoughts that may be sabotaging your progress, despite your efforts at taming them.

I am a certified executive coach with a Master’s in Health Services Administration, and two-years of mentorship in the study of human behavior (neuro-science). And, since 1997, I have been coaching and developing leaders to find their unique path forward.

You are not alone in your search for meaning and fulfillment. The Visionary Leader Workshop has been designed to help you clarify what you want so you can live and lead a life you love!

Join us, to design the deeply meaningful life you desire and walk away with unshakable certainty that will help you pursue it!

April Abrahamson - Leadership strategist & coach
The journey of self-discovery leads to living an inspired life!

The truth is…
I’ve been where you are, trapped by an internal struggle…

exhausted visionary leader
You’ve worked hard to get where you are.

You’ve had some amazing accomplishments and you keep putting in the hours and the effort.

But, you wonder ‘is this it?’

No. This isn’t it. You can have more!

Just imagine…

Having clarity, certainty, energy and a deeply meaningful life

Escape your comfort zone to create impact

Connect with your purpose to experience vitality

Tame the judgements to focus on what’s important

Find meaning by living true to your own vision

Live a life aligned with who you are at your core!

Visionary Leader - Imagine
The power of your purpose is more important than ever before!


April has a thoughtful and gentle approach that makes it safe to share my honest thoughts and concerns, and she helps me unpack these concerns so that any roadblocks can be readily overcome.

April asks powerful questions, listens, comprehends, and designs solutions with me, for me, and in alignment with who I am now and the future impact I want to have on the world.

There is a sense of calm from seeing connections and understanding my path forward that inspires me to act daily in alignment with my dreams.

Dr. Renata


Visionary Leader Workshop

Unlock Your Visionary Potential with the 4-Week Visionary Leader Workshop

Welcome to a transformative experience crafted from 26 years of hands-on leadership guidance. In this immersive course, we go beyond conventional teachings, blending impactful self-reflection with insights cultivated through years of working closely with leaders like you.

What to Expect:

  • Self-Discovery and Mindset Shifts: Explore principles that define your unique leadership style.
  • Cultivate Powerful Clarity: Gain a deep understanding of the life you aspire to lead.
  • Purposeful Leadership: Discover and embrace your unique leadership purpose in the health and wellness domain.
  • Elevated Impact: Elevate your influence and make a lasting impact on your community and industry.
  • Transformational Growth: Unlock the keys to personal and professional growth that align with your higher calling.
  • Empowered Leadership: Gain the tools and insights to lead with confidence and clarity.

Why Choose This Workshop?

  • Profound Personal Growth: More than just skills, this course offers a journey of self-discovery.
  • Career Rejuvenation: Perfect if you’re disenchanted with your current career.
  • Reduce External Pressures: Break free from constraints and carve your meaningful path.

The Outcome:

At the end of the 4 weeks, you’ll not only possess valuable leadership insights but also carry with you the inner freedom, peace, and strength to authentically live out your own vision for a purposeful life.

Ready to embark on this transformative journey? Enroll now to unlock your visionary potential!

You’ll be supported through each step in Your Visionary Leader Journey:

  • Weekly workshop sessions
  • Reflection assignments
  • Understanding your unique talents
  • Ways to propel your vision forward
  • Mentorship opportunities
Visionary Leader Journey
Bring your purpose and vision to life!

What’s included…

The Visionary Leader Workshop is designed just for you, following a four-step path. Alongside the incredible content, you can opt for an upgrade, which includes a private one-on-one insights call with April, your Leadership Mindset Coach.

Step 1 – Uncover your purpose

Use the power of inquiry and self-reflection to uncover your purpose:

  • Defining You – We will work through self-discovery exercises to identify what you love to do and the difference you want to make.
  • Create your purpose – We will use your favorite words to write a purpose statement that lights you up! And, we’ll provide the framework, tips, and tricks on how to do this.

Step 2 – Design your compelling vision

Building from your life’s purpose, and using self-reflection tools, you’ll clarify your vision, so you can communicate a compelling direction that inspires possibility.

  • Map your vision – We will step through a process to clarify your journey and focus on the impact you want to have in the world.
  • Write your compelling vision statement – We will identify words that inspire you, discuss the secrets of compelling vision statements, and create a vision statement that compells you!

Step 3 – Refine your brand

Combine purpose, vision and data about how you present yourself, to develop your brand statement, so you have clarity of your standards and character, to foster trust and connection.

  • Research your brand – Use brand identity tools and exercises, such as: “closet colors & styles exercise”, “home designs”, and “brand mood board”, to add sizzle and substance. Plus, get additional resources to clarify your brand in the workshop.
  • Personal brand statement – We will uncover the value your brand provides and discuss tips and tricks to create your unique brand statement.

Step 4. Roadmap to your legacy

Set milestones and design a plan to live your legacy. And, you’ll make some modifications to balance your time and energy for family, self, and work.

  • Clarify your legacy – We will leverage your purpose, vision and brand to clearly define your impact. There are five powerful steps we’ll use to build a complete plan for living your legacy.
  • Roadmap to your legacy – we will discuss strategies and design your personal roadmap to achieving your vision and living your legacy.
Tap into your inner visionary for the impact you’re meant to make!

What you’ll gain: Clarity and unshakable confidence in yourself through purpose, vision, brand, and new awareness about the extraordinary impact of being you. Plus, you’ll find a sense of calm, bold, certainty, as you align who you are inside with what you do on the outside.

Visionary Leader Workshop

This is everything you’ll get…

Four live Zoom educational workshop sessions that cover the four steps:

Step 1. Uncover your purpose (value $5000)

Step 2. Design a compelling vision (value $400)

Step 3. Refine your brand (value $300)

Step 4. Roadmap to your legacy (value $500)

BONUS: Worksheets with powerful reflection questions (value $297)

OUTCOMES: Unshakeable certainty about your path forward (value: priceless and highly cherished!)

TOTAL VALUE: $6,497 plus highly cherished outcomes


That’s Four live education and personalized reflection sessions + clarity of yourself for JUST $497!!

Here’s what Visionary Leader participants have said:

  • ‘This course is giving me energy and courage to move forward!’
  • ‘This workshop gave me clarity and new ideas for my purpose, vision, brand and legacy.’
  • ‘The structure of the workshop really helped me think through what I want!’
  • ‘Wow! The way April explained people’s ripple effect in living a meaningful life was brilliant.’
  • ‘Through April’s educational sessions and one-on-one coaching I came up with very inspiring statements for my purpose, vision, and brand that I’m very excited about.’
  • ‘This workshop has a very relaxing environment; good for thinking.’
  • ‘I’m finally motivated enough to take control of my life’
  • ‘The workshops helped me come up with new creative ideas for my future business that I had not thought of before.’
Visionary Leader Participants said this

Got questions?

I’m happy to answer them…

How does the Visionary Leader Workshop work?

The Visionary Leader Workshop is customized to you and based on a four step journey. We walk you through how to:

  • Uncover your purpose
  • Design a compelling vision
  • Refine your brand
  • Build a roadmap to your legacy

Throughout this journey, you will find a sense of calm, clarity, and confidence as you align who you are at your core, with an inspired, meaningful life.

How is the Workshop structured?

  • It’s a 4-week live Zoom call series
  • Each week, you get 30-60 minute workshop content that combines education and thought-provoking questions, so you can personalize the information for your life.
  • The workshop provides for reflection time in the live sessions. If you want to take more time, you can do deeper reflections in between the workshop sessions.

How much time do I get with April, the Leadership Mindset Coach?

April conducts the workshop personally, and if you would want additional one on one time for a private consultation, you can purchase a one on one intensive with her.

When will the Visionary Leader Workshop start?

The Visionary Leader Workshop is scheduled to begin the first Saturday in January 2024 at 9:30 a.m. MST. The remaining three sessions will be held each Saturday in January 2024. Each session is approximately one hour depending on the number of questions and dialogue.

Visionary Leader Workshop

This is everything you’ll get…

Four interactive workshop sessions that cover the four steps:

Step 1. Uncover your purpose (value $5000)

Step 2. Design a compelling vision (value $400)

Step 3. Refine your brand (value $300)

Step 4. Roadmap to your legacy (value $500)

BONUS: Course worksheets with reflection questions (value $297)

OUTCOMES: Unshakeable certainty about your path forward (value: priceless and highly cherished!)

TOTAL VALUE: $6,497 plus highly cherished outcomes



That’s Four live educational workshop sessions + clarity of yourself for JUST $497!!

If you have additional questions or would like to talk about how this workshop could help you, Let’s connect.