Find purpose - about April Abrahamson

Find Purpose

April’s Story….

Hi there! My name is April Abrahamson. I am the founder of The Inspired Path.

Like you, I am a leader who continuously wants to expand my wisdom, purpose, and to live inspired. For many professionals, finding our purpose in life is the hardest challenge we face.

The story below, about ‘Finding My Purpose’, is meant to connect you with your life and leadership experiences and bring about the possibility of a life path that is completely aligned with who you are and the impact you want to have. Having meaning in my life, and my work, is the inspiration for designing leadership programs for others to find their purpose, clarify of their leadership vision, and live a life, they love.

As a Leadership Mindset Coach, I bring my experience as an intuitive business leader to help others find what makes them feel most alive by guiding them to gain clarity of thought, uncover who they are at core, & tame unspoken fears, so they can live and lead inspired!

I am a certified executive coach and have a Master’s in Health Services Administration. And, since 1997, I have been coaching and developing health and wellness leaders.

The more clarity you have about yourself and your unique strengths and values, the better you’ll be able to live and lead meaningfully.

April’s Characteristics & Quirks

Her Passion

Taming chaos, fears, and doubts by enhancing confidence through clarity of self

Her Personality

Attentive, sincere, determined, lifelong-learner…with a dash of playful non-conformity

Her Superpower

Exploring who you are and what you want through curiosity and compassion

Her Purpose

Connecting leaders with their inner wisdom, so they can live a life that is true to themselves

Finding My Purpose...

When I first started out as a supervisor, I thought it was my purpose in life to make sure everyone was happy and loving their job. It made me feel good that everyone seemed content with their work, but pretty soon it became apparent that this wasn’t a sustainable goal. People’s emotions were far too complex for me to control and no matter how hard I tried, there would always be someone who didn’t like the way things were going.

It took some time for me to realize that rather than trying to affect people’s feelings about their jobs, I should focus on bringing out the best in them instead. This meant understanding peoples values and strengths, and changing the way I delegate work to empower and engage my team. It also meant encouraging colleagues to use their unique strengths at work instead of just settling for whatever task was handed down from above and increasing our ability to collaborate across each of our strengths.

By taking these steps, I deepened my understanding of workplace dynamics which has become invaluable in my career. Instead of trying to change who I am to help people have a positive experience at work every day (which is impossible and exhausting!), my purpose is to help leaders create an environment where people thrive, leverage their strengths, and find joy in what they do each day because they are exceptional at doing it!

Looking for other creative ways to uncover your purpose? Check out this blog.


Be you! The future belongs to those who are aligned inside and out…